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The start of something beautiful

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Happy Holidays!!! 🎇🎄🎅

After days of trying to figure out how to use it, I’m finally starting my own blog on Hashnode! 😄

Good day everybody, My name is Miguel and I’m a front-end web developer and software engineer seeking to constantly improve my skills. I got into the tech world on the 17th August, 2022. A date I’ll never forget because that was when my life took an interesting turn for the better. If you’re reading this now, with doubts on starting your tech journey I urge you to cast out the anxiety and JUST DO IT. Trust when I say you won’t regret it. Luckily for me I found a group of like-minded people with the drive and vision I had too. As they say, “Alone you’d only walk faster, but together you’d get farther.”

I’ve successfully learnt the basics of web development. I’m proficient in HTML, getting better in CSS and would be officially starting JavaScript fully in a week’s time. With time I look forward to mastering frameworks entirely too. Ooh! This will be so much fun! 💪🏾😊 HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and it was created in the year 1993 by Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee or as you know him, Tim Bernes-Lee. A computer scientist also responsible for making the World Wide Web. The current version of HTML is HTML5 which was released in the year 2014. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet and it was created in the year 1996 by Norwegian web pioneer Håkon Wium Lie, the most recent version in use by today’s browser is CSS3 which was released in 1999. Enough on the brief history lesson, back to me. 😌

I do have my drawbacks too, there are times I tend to procrastinate and push off tasks that need to be done at that time but as I said earlier, I’m constantly evolving and improving myself. Do not beat yourself about your bad habits dear reader, Remember that as a human you can always Learn, Re-learn and Un-learn. There’s always a chance as long as there is a tomorrow. I hope to see you here again, My name is Miguel, and I am extraordinary. 🚀👑

Ad Meliora!!!